Why I Write

Cassondra F.
2 min readJan 17, 2019
Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash

I write for several reasons that I always found to be unusual until I started learning more about other writers. It took me years to see writing as more than “just a job” and to understand why writers are writers. This past year has helped me realize the biggest reasons why I write and why writing is so important to me.

I write because I’m not a very talkative person. I’m very introverted and extended social interactions exhaust me. Writing has given me a way to communicate the ideas that sometimes I’m not comfortable saying out loud. Trying to describe thoughts, ideas, feelings, and internal struggles is not an easy task. When given the chance to write them, I can ramble on for pages and pages until I feel like, “There it is. I’ve said it.”

I write because my head is a very busy place. I write the thousands of things going on in my head one sentence at a time. Sometimes the thought has changed somewhere between passing from my head to paper and I think that it looks wrong. I continue to write until everything feels right. Eventually, it feels like I have a good amount of those sentences on paper. But there is always room for more.

I write to understand people. I’m painfully empathetic. The characters I create are characters that I understand or want to understand.

I write to understand myself. I have written in journals since I was very young…



Cassondra F.

Freelance writer for Black Girl Nerds, WatchMojo, Mental Floss, and The Take. cassondrawrites.com